one thing i hate more than witnessing an elderly couple pulling out a crumpled $10 bill in order to purchase a "smorgas bord" meal at Baldwin is to peer down the cashier line at Wildcat only to see the faint profile of a hunched-over college boy shamefully handing his few soggy dollar bills over to the cashier to buy his dinner. honestly, when i witnessed this event take place this evening i almost started crying. i was beyond uncomfortable with the whole ordeal. first off, who the poop allows such a tragedy to take place?!?! disclaimer: if i had been closer to the front of the line i would have flown horizontal over the counter in order to swipe my meal card for him. oh my word i get so depressed when i think about how many extra meals i probably have on my account. anyway- what's more, when i had finally swiped my meal and left the premise of that atrocious money-hungry food business my eyes were immediately directed to a small corner in the dining area where i recognized the same hunched-over profile i had previously seen. and there he was, quietly eating his ham n cheese sub all by himself. i began to moan. but let me explain myself- for this moaning was not merely a manifestation of sympathy but, more so, of complete admiration. one thing i love more than a guy who resembles Paul Bunyan is a man who is completely ok with being alone. the image of a person contentedly eating by himself may appear pathetic to some people but, to me, savors strongly of confidence and security. i only wish that man the best of luck in securing a donor's meal swipe the next time his stomach comes calling.
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